PHONE FIRST 9.00 am to 5.00 pm
The Emergency departments at Antrim Area Hospital, Causeway Hospital, and Mid Ulster minor injuries unit, are now operating a 'phone first' system. This is to help everyone get directed to the most appropriate care, avoid busy waiting rooms, stay safe and save time! If you feel you need A&E services please call :
0300 123 1 123
Txt relay number is 18001 0300 123 1 123
Or use the Interpreter Now app.
For emergencies including stroke, heart attack, loss of consciousness, breathing difficulties, severe bleeding and major trauma, please continue to dial 999 IMMEDIATELY
Flu and Covid vaccines are now available. Eligible patients aged 18 years and over can avail of these at the practice. Please contact reception to arrange an appointment.
Cold & Flu
As the cold and flu season is now upon us, please remember you can go to your local pharmacy for free advice and treatment for your symptoms. A prescription isn't always needed!

Walking group
For information regarding our Moyle walking for health group, please select the above link.
A new bereavement support website for Northern Ireland has launched and is available by clicking the link below.
For information regarding our upcoming ASD group, please see below.

General Data Protection Regulation
New rules relating to how we collect and process personal data - the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - will come into effect in the UK from 25 May 2018. To find out more information, click here: GDPR Patient information
Repeat Prescriptions
Repeat prescriptions can be ordered on our prescription line, online services or using your repeat prescription slip. When ordering repeat prescriptions, please allow 48 hours or 2 working days between making your order and collecting your prescription from the Health Centre or Pharmacy.
If you have made an appointment, please ensure you attend, or, if you are unable to attend, please contact reception to cancel the appointment. Please give as much notice as possible if you are cancelling an appointment, as this will allow us to allocate it to another patient.
Due to the high number of patients who do not attend appointments, the practice now operates a non-attendance policy.
Pharmacy Rota
Please note: the pharmacy on-call each Sunday now opens between 1pm and 2pm
Some contraception services are also available for free on the ( website. Here you can get items such as the contraceptive pill and STI kits etc posted directly to you.
Reception is closed on Wednesday afternoons. In case of emergency between 1pm and 6pm, please ring 0787 424 0711 to speak to a doctor.
From 6pm Dalriada Urgent Care can be contacted on 0282 566 3500